Where the Captive World Comes to Meet.
Make plans to attend America's largest captive insurance conference.

It's not just the quantity, it's the quality. VCIA is world-renowned for its highly relevant and researched educational sessions, as well as for the informal and formal networking it puts on at the conference.
Put simply: if you're involved in the captive industry at all (or if you want to join it), participating in the VCIA Conference is a must.
From entry level captive insurance courses to captive case studies and in-depth analysis, VCIA has just what you're looking for.
The largest concentration of captive professionals in one spot means you can make introductions - or build your relationship - with key industry leaders and other vendors.
There's something for everyone at the VCIA Conference
The VCIA Annual Conference is a 12-month effort that culminates in 3 days of intense and productive captive education and networking.
Most are CPE/VT-CLE/ICCIE credit eligible, with others as collaborative and stimulating discussion groups
You will find every kind of player in the captive space looking to do business at the VCIA Conference

Registration Rates
Save on registration by purchasing your conference pass during Early Bird

Cancellation Policy
All cancellations, changes or substitutions must be received by email at info@vcia.com. Cancellations received on or before July 14, 2025 will be refunded, less a $100 admin fee. After July 14, 2025, substitutions only are permitted, and no refunds are allowed. At any time up until August 4th substitutions are permitted. Refunds will be issued after September 15, 2025.
Session Modification Policy
VCIA reserves the right to substitute, alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics without any recourse or liability whatsoever. Any substitutions, alterations or modifications will be updated on our web site as soon as possible.
Speaker Disclaimer
The views expressed during the conference sessions represent those of the speakers, not necessarily those of VCIA. Material is not intended to be legal, underwriting, financial, or any other type of professional advice.
Professional Education Credits
One (1) CPE credit will be granted for every 50 minutes of educational session participation. Participation may either be in person or via webinar when available. Please see individual session details on this website to confirm the number of credits available for any given session.
See all CPE detailsMoney Back Guarantee
If you attend the conference with a Conference Pass and don't gain useful knowledge from the educational sessions you attend, let us know in writing by noon (EST), Thursday, August 15th and we'll refund your money. Refund applies to Conference Pass fee only. Offer does not apply to complaints arising from technical issues, event space, schedule or presenter changes. Refund check will be mailed by September 15, 2025.
When does registration open? How can I book a hotel room? You may have questions, and we have answers.
When does conference registration open?
Conference registration opens Spring 2025. Check back on our website for further updates.
How do I register for the conference?
Simple! Click on any button that says "register" and you will be redirecting to our AMS, where you can input your information and pay for your conference pass. If you don't have an account in our AMS system yet it will take only a minute to set up. Simply click "Log In" at the top of this site.
Can I buy a pass for just one day?
Unfortunately, no, we only provide passes for the duration of the entire conference, whether that's a full or networking pass.
Can I just walk in and register?
Yes, you can! In fact, online registration closes a few days before the conference starts. But we accept registrations on-site up to even the last day of the conference.
Is the VCIA Conference just for Vermont captives?
Absolutely not! The VCIA Conference is an inclusive event where everyone, no matter what domicile or role they play in the industry, is welcome. In fact, at VCIA several other domiciles exhibit and many regulators attend the conference. VCIA is also well known for bringing in up to 200+ new attendees each year who might be just entering the captive space.
How do I book a VCIA hotel block room?
Upon registering and paying for your conference pass, you will receive a non-transferable code to book a room in our hotel block. If you need to book multiple rooms, please contact VCIA staff.
Can I do a group registration? Are there group discounts?
Yes, you can do a group registration, but no, there are no group discounts.
Do networking passes get into educational sessions?
No, networking passes are only permitted in the exhibit hall, the receptions, and at meals. VCIA staff and security monitor attendance at the educational sessions, and should you want to go to a session, you need to purchase upward to a full conference pass.
What if I want my company to sponsor or exhibit?
That's great! Contact VCIA's Director of Sponsorship and Exhibitors Angie Armour. It's also worth becoming a VCIA member at this point to save a bundle on conference expenses.
I'm a little overwhelmed at attending my first VCIA Conference. Any advice?
You're not alone! We get hundreds of new attendees each year and we make it a point to welcome them with open arms. Plan to attend the Newcomers' Orientation and connect with a conference ambassador. Reach out to to VCIA staff and we can personally get you adjusted - and excited - for your conference experience. Additionally, VCIEL plays an active role in supporting newcomers to the annual conference; check out this first-time attendee brochure they produced for 2024.
Continuing Education Credits

VCIA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.
Log in to your account.
In the left sidebar, click "Certificates" under the Account tab.
You will see all the certificates you've earned at VCIA. If you notice a recent educational session you've attended to be missing, please contact us.
VCIA holds the status of Continuing Legal Education Accredited Sponsor in Vermont. VCIA Educational Sessions (including those held during our annual conference) are approved by the Vermont Board of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. CLE credit hours are available to those who participate in person or via webinar.
VCIA education offered for NASBA credit may also count as part of the required CRE credits earned annually by the Society of Financial Examiners (SOFE) designation holders.
Regarding agent and broker licensing CE credits, you are welcome to submit VCIA's sessions to your state board for consideration. However, VCIA has not received prior approval for granting credits.
One (1) CPE credit will be granted for every 50 minutes of educational session participation. Participation may either be in person or via webinar. Please see individual session details to confirm the number of credits available for any given session.
If you are in an ICCIE program, you may be able to use certain VCIA credit-eligible sessions toward your certification or designation. VCIA will always list if certain sessions are accepted by ICCIE for credit.
Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: nasbaregistry.org/cpas/complaints
NASBA will investigate all submitted complaints against CPE program sponsors to determine if any non compliance has occurred.
Still have questions?
We're ready to help.