The Original Captive Insurance Roadshow.
Spreading awareness about captive insurance as an innovative risk management tool, one city at a time.

Captive Formations are Rapidly on the Rise
VCIA Roadshows are a key educational and networking component for the entire captive industry. See how the captive model may serve your organization's risk management needs.
Get Captives 101 from the Very Best
Each VCIA roadshow provides a comprehensive account of what captive insurance is, the kinds of coverages it's used for, and capital requirements needed upfront.
CPE eligible
Hear from Successful Captive Owners
Tried and true captive owners from the area explain why they sought out a captive, what their process was in establishing it, and how the entity is currently faring. Stick around for the cocktail reception to get their personal thoughts.

VCIA treks across America to raise captive awareness
Since 2002, VCIA has worked closely with the Vermont Departments of Financial Regulation and Economic Development, to give you captive information and access to Vermont regulators.
Cities visited across the US, included Mexico City
Have shared their captive success story to prospective owners

"VCIA Roadshows are a great opportunity for prospective captives to learn the basics of captive insurance and the formation process. You'll hear directly from us regulators on what makes Vermont unique as a domicile, and hear success stories from captive owners. At a roadshow you experience the quality of VCIA by making deeper networking connections following the educational portion. If you want to make most of your time in your initial research, VCIA roadshows are the best way to dive in!"

St Louis Roadshow
This session will focus on the basics of captive insurance companies; the reasons for formation, the feasibility process and key issues in putting a successful captive program together.

Continuing Education Credits

VCIA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Log in to your account.
In the left sidebar, click "Certificates" under the Account tab.
You will see all the certificates you've earned at VCIA. If you notice a recent educational session you've attended to be missing, please contact us.
VCIA holds the status of Continuing Legal Education Accredited Sponsor in Vermont. VCIA Educational Sessions (including those held during our annual conference) are approved by the Vermont Board of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. CLE credit hours are available to those who participate in person or via webinar.
VCIA education offered for NASBA credit may also count as part of the required CRE credits earned annually by the Society of Financial Examiners (SOFE) designation holders.
Regarding agent and broker licensing CE credits, you are welcome to submit VCIA's sessions to your state board for consideration. However, VCIA has not received prior approval for granting credits.
One (1) CPE credit will be granted for every 50 minutes of educational session participation. Participation may either be in person or via webinar. Please see individual session details to confirm the number of credits available for any given session.
If you are in an ICCIE program, you may be able to use certain VCIA credit-eligible sessions toward your certification or designation. VCIA will always list if certain sessions are accepted by ICCIE for credit.
Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
NASBA will investigate all submitted complaints against CPE program sponsors to determine if any non compliance has occurred.
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